Getting a good education is an important, necessary part of life. At the same time, receiving on the job training can be equally as valuable.
That said, too many people make the mistake of believing that a good education can replace experience or training, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Education and training have radically different results and outcomes. Education provides you with the ability to fully understand something. It teaches you how to empathize. It teaches you *how* to think critically and strategically. Training, however, is about ability and performance. It’s about actual mechanics.
The two aren’t meant to oppose or replace one another. In fact, they’re meant to work together. When someone is both trained and educated, they become a more valuable worker—one who can not only do their job (and do it well), but can innovate, solve problems, and progress on their own.
As a leader, you have two responsibilities when it comes to education and training.
The first is to apply this understanding to your own sense of self awareness. Don’t assume that just because you’re educated you know all there is to know about managing a particular business. Every company has different standards, procedures, and variables that affect how it runs. Let your education guide you, but remain open minded to gaining valuable, on the job experience.
Secondly, when it comes to implementing a training program and your company, don’t just teach the basic mechanics of a job; educate your employees about the “how” and “why” that come with that job. Training isn’t just about getting an employee to a certain level; it’s an ongoing process of development.
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